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On the World Wide Web, the internet footprint; also known as cyber shadow, electronic footprint, or digital shadow, is the information left behind as a result of a user’s web-browsing and stored as cookies. (Source: Wikipedia)

Do you ever wonder who has access to your information? or better yet google yourself sometime and get to see what pops up. You’ll be amazed!

We share so much information online without even thinking much about it. Its fun and risky at the same time, which causes a thrill. Opening up to strangers, talking about bizarre or random topics, sharing pictures and videos, sending emails and so much more. We have made it so much easier for marketing platforms, since they don’t even struggle getting our profile because we willingly give it to them. This has actually revolutionized the way we look at marketing tools and strategies. Furthermore, we have monetized it. Ain’t that amazing!

Everyday, whether we want to or not, most of us contribute to a growing portrait of who we are online; a portrait that is probably more public than most of us assume.So no matter what you do online it’s important that you know what kind of trail you’re leaving, and what the possible effects can be. (Source: Internet Society)

Finally, remember the internet never forgets and from a techie’s perspective – nothing is ever deleted when it comes to computing.


Author Ndengera

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