Hello there 🙂
The phone I would say confidently is the best communication device of all time! Fight me later. However that is not what I want to talk about today. I want us to think about the factors you look at when buying one. Back then the choices were very limited and if I recall correctly, personally I knew of Nokia 3310, Sony Erickson, Blackberry, Samsung & Motorolla. Each of them was known for its unique features, to mention a few, Nokia was known to be unbreakable, Blackberry for software security and Samsung had the slide phone – Cool stuff right?
These days the number of phones released on a yearly basis are just mind stuggering! Some of which we haven’t even heard about depending on your geographical location. Basically we have unlimited options, so what does it all come down to?
1. Price
2. Trends /Culture
3. Design – size of screen, color, body, packaging etc
4. Storage – RAM & ROM
5. Camera
6. Functionality
7. Feel – how it makes you feel!
For some, phones are just a device to call and text. Others it’s the apps that matter and for some it’s about the culture .Everyone who is cool has it, so let me get it. It all depends on your point of view and what you’ve been exposed to.
I have owned a couple of phones i.e. Nokia, Motorolla, Samsung, iPhone, among others. Recently I bought a flagship phone, because the features and price were just to good a deal to let it go.I remember when I got it the packaging blew my mind. Congrats to the team at realme that handle user experience and marketing, y’all are doing an amazing job. I was so excited before I even opened he box.
Anyway moving on, the factors I believe should matter are functionality, feel and price. Functionality because it’s about how the phone operates, loads content, speeds, clarity of camera, apps available and screen pixels. Basically how far can you push the device and does it meet your needs for a phone. Price is, does the phone match up to the moneys you are paying it for. Is it worth it? Finally feel is, does it look how you want it to be, in terms of color, body layout, screen size, weight. Your experience from the moment you unbox it to switching it on to the time you get used and even vouch for it.
Do you consider all this stuff? or am I just looking too much into it…haha! The best phone I have owned so far is an iPhone, because in terms of functionality & feel they damn did it!! Everything is so seemless, it’s unreal. Camera however esp in low light situations, not so good.
Which phone got you good? Drop a comment and tell us why you like it… Till next time, cheers!
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