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Hello there 🙂 It’s been a while, been caught up with work and also exciting news -*drumrolls – a new website!(Check out some of my work) Anyway a good friend wrote about the Predictions of Future Technology. Let’s get to it…

When I was doing my research on this blog’s topic, I realized that I had really underestimated the results. Futurists and Technology pioneers are really doing the most with these predictions of Future Technology! One would think it’s all absurd and these things won’t actually happen but as I dug deeper – which I believe you will as well at the end of this blog – I began to see the possibilities.

Futurists can dish out some exciting and downright scary visions for the future of machines and science that either enhance or replace activities and products near and dear to us. Projections of future technology are made by dreamers who have the intention of making better tools to say the least. And from those tools our way of living is made new and improved. Many inventions are born in the lab and never make it into the consumer market, while others evolve beyond the pace of putting good regulations on their use.

Nevertheless, the predictions they have put forward are as exciting as they can be. Other than the expansion of robotics predictions such as Zero sized intelligence – the main goal being how small can your computer be and still be able hold so much more information and Neurohacking – where Neuroscientists are finding ways to read people’s minds with machines, and although this has been in the works for decades, real progress is being made by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and elsewhere; have made the top of my list of anticipated predictions.

Check out the list of predictions that a group of Technology pioneers came up with – 17 ways technology could change the world by 2025 – they came up with predictions that not only better technology but also tackle health issues as well as matters of global economy.

Feel free to share your craziest tech predictions in the comments down below.


Author Ndengera

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